Buy and sell near you!

Anything you want, when and where you want it.
Buy, sell, barter and rent new or used products, services from individuals, shops and professionals in your city!

Often, what you are looking for is not across the ocean but it’s down the block, just a few steps away!


On Xtribe you will find products - new or second hand - and services from individuals, shops and professionals!


With Xtribe you can sell, rent or trade your products and services!


The essence of Xtribe is to meet real people: buying and selling is the "right excuse" to make it happen.

Find out what's around you!

The bargain you are looking for is closer than you expect! Find it on Xtribe and connect with your city.

Thanks to Xtribe you can discover all the deals offered in your area, those that are just around the corner, but you didn't know existed.

Your neighborhood in your pocket
Zero commissions

Delivery takes place in the way you prefer: at a shopkeeper's point of sale or at home, it's up to you to agree with the counterpart!

No delivery cost

Delivery takes place in the way you prefer: at a shopkeeper's point of sale or at home, it's up to you to agree with the counterpart!

Everything at your fingertips

Buy and sell quickly and easily, make deals close to you: the convenience of virtual combined with interaction with real people.


On our Blog you will find practical advice for your business and many strategies to sell your products or services and find new customers!

Want to find out more?
Here you will find our answers to the most frequently asked questions.

Download the App, buy and sell, near you! With Xtribe your neighborhood is in your pocket.